Lunes, Oktubre 31, 2011

T-Mobile to offer Nokia Lumia 800 in UK

T-Mobile to offer Nokia Lumia 800 in UK

T-Mobile has confirmed that it will be offering up the eagerly anticipated Nokia Lumia 800 when it arrives on 16 November.

Many networks and stores confirmed that they would be stocking the Nokia Lumia 800 when the phone was announced, but T-Mobile has taken its time to leap aboard the bandwagon.

You can check out our hands on: Nokia Lumia 800 video below:

brightcove : 1241720705001

As TechRadar's hands on: Nokia Lumia 800 review suggests, the Windows Phone 7 Mango toting handset is a massive deal for both Microsoft and the Finnish handset giant, and the early indications are positive.

Specs appeal

The phone features a 3.7 inch OLED touchscreen with a 800x480 resolution, a 1.4GHz single-core processor and a distinctive design.

The handset will be offered for no additional cost on two year contracts from �30 a month and up.

Pippa Dunn, Chief Marketing Officer, T-Mobile UK, said: "The Lumia 800 is a stunning looking phone and will be a great addition to our handset offering in the run up to Christmas.

"When matched with one of our flexible price plans, it is the perfect choice for those wanting the latest feature packed smartphone at an affordable price point."


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By: electroboy

No! No insurance! No extended warranties! Unless you're the clumsiest person on the face of the earth, it's an awful, awful deal.


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By: Orb2069

While you're figuring out the cost-to-benefit ratio, remember that Apple dropped the price to $400, so - if you paid $600 for it, you just got a $200 price break on replacing it.


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Microsoft unveils utopian vision for connected future

Microsoft unveils utopian vision for connected future

We love a good future gaze as much as anyone, but not as much as Microsoft which has whipped up yet another exploration of future tech in video form.

The six-minute video posits that in the future pretty much everything will be a tablet, including your flip chart, your wall, your glasses and your fridge.

It's a neat little look at how things could pan out if we carry on the way we're going; basically, tablets will be king and everything else will be stored in the cloud.

Virtual reality

Smartphones won't have screens, they'll just be screens. Books won't have paper, they'll be, er, foldable tablets. People will barely need to own any stuff because everything but food and tablets will be virtual.

Not sure where Microsoft thinks we're going to get all the money from to make this come to life ? some of us would struggled to scrape together �400 for a single iPad, let alone the eighty-four different cutting-edge devices you'll need to run your life this way ? but as utopian visions for a completely connected future goes, it's a pretty good one.

Check out the video for yourself, below:

YouTube :


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Week in Tech: Is Nokia in with a shout?

Week in Tech: Is Nokia in with a shout?

Hello, and welcome to this week's edition of WEEK! IN! TECH!

That's right: we've taken a leaf out of Nokia's book, and that book appears to be called THE BIG BOOK OF SHOUTING.

As our columnist Gary Marshall EXPLAINS, Nokia's unveiling of its FANCY new Windows Phones wasn't quite what we EXPECTED.

"Faced with a familiar problem - everybody knowing exactly what they were going to unveil - Nokia decided it was time to shake things up a bit," he REPORTS.

"First, [CEO] Stephen Elop kept pronouncing the company's name in a funny Canadian accent, and then they let a madman loose on stage."

That "madman" was Kevin Shields, a man whose JOB TITLE - senior vice president of program and product management for the smart device - means his business cards are the size of those COMEDY CHEQUES you see in charity photoshoots.

It's safe to say he quite liked the new Lumia 800: "'It looks AWESOME!' he bellowed, channelling his inner Ballmer and scaring the hell out of the first six rows. 'It feels GREAT in your hand!' he added, frightening everybody again. 'It SCREAMS premium!' he screamed." Is the shout-fest on YouTube? YOU BET!

YouTube :

Shield's presentation was something of an emotional ROLLERCOASTER. As energy levels crashed, Shields was reduced to begging the audience for applause. "The crowd clapped politely," Marshall says, "afraid that if they didn't, Shields might eat them." EAT THEM!

The phone Shields was shouting about was the new NOKIA LUMIA 800, which as Dan Grabham points out "bears more than a passing resemblance to the Nokia N9". That's because it's essentially the SAME DEVICE, but running Windows Phone 7.5, aka Mango, instead of the Linux-based MeeGo operating system.

Nokia admits that the reason the UK didn't get the N9 was because the Lumia was so similar it'd confuse the HECK out of everybody.

We reckon Mango's pretty TASTY, so does the hardware match up? The specs are certainly impressive - there's a great screen, a superb camera and a NIPPY processor - and we love the design.

The price isn't bad either. The UK price for the Nokia Lumia 800 is �449.95 SIM-free or free on a �31 per month contract, and it'll go on sale in November. NOVEMBER!

There was another phone too, but if you were expecting a Steve Jobs-style One More Thing you'd have been disappointed: the second big Nokia reveal wasn't MORE AWESOME, but A BIT CHEAPER. The Lumia 710 is "a cheap and cheerful handset with a top end experience," Kate Solomon writes, and "this isn't a bad mid-range attempt from Nokia". It ISN'T A BAD MID-RANGE ATTEMPT!

Are the Lumias are good enough to put Microsoft and Nokia at the TOP of the smartphone heap? Gary Marshall says NO.

"Where's the excitement that's going to make us see our iPhones and Androids for the overpriced toys they truly are, causing us to shove them on eBay and run, not walk, to the nearest Carphone Warehouse, with two forms of ID including a utility bill in our trembling hands?" he asks.

"Was the Lumia 800 really worth shouting about?"

He may have a point, because Nokia was quick to EMPHASISE that it's just getting started. "You'll really see the fruits of what we can do with Microsoft when the Apollo version of Windows Phone comes out," Nokia's Niklas Savander told us. Apollo is the next generation of Windows Phone, which will tie in closely with Windows 8. WINDOWS EIGHT!

"Two phones is absolutely not enough in the market," he said. "This is the beginning of our portfolio". It's the BEGINNING OF THEIR PORTFOLIO!


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Hands on: Motorola Atrix 2 review

Hands on: Motorola Atrix 2 review

Hands on: Motorola Atrix 2 review

The original Motorola Atrix smartphone was a powerful device that doubled as a pseudo laptop or AV centre - you could connect it to an HDTV in your living room or the LCD on your desk and run a Linux variant with full keyboard and mouse.

The Atrix 2 adds a few twists, and is a powerful phone that falls in the same league as the Samsung Galaxy S2.

One of those new twists is an 8-megapixel camera, now becoming standard on the hottest Android models. We decided to put this upgraded camera through some serious tests, knowing it is the one major improvement to the original Atrix phone, which had a 5MP camera.

Motorola atrix 2 review

First, an overview of the new model. The Atrix 2 matches up with the specs of the original Atrix - which we're a little disappointed in to be honest, as we'd have liked to see more of an upgrade.

Both phones have a 1GHz dual-core processor, something that Motorola makes well-known when the phone first boots with a striking splash screen that announces the dual-core chip.

Most phones now offer this capability, which handles some processing tasks faster because both cores can simultaneously handle OS requests (say, keep downloading an app while firing up the browser).

Motorola atrix 2 review

Both phones use Android, although the Atrix 2 now comes with Android 2.3 Gingerbread. That means more accurate text input, and we found the Atrix 2 did allow us to copy and paste text more easily. Thankfully, the Android 2.3 release also lets you select which camera you want to use (front or rear, something oddly missing from the original handset).

The Atrix 2 has 8GB of internal memory. The back cover, which is very easy to remove, reveals a slot for a microSD card - ours came with a 2GB card but you can boost that up to a maximum of 32GB. Like the Atrix, the Atrix 2 comes with 1GB of RAM.

Motorola atrix 2 review

The 4.3-inch screen on the Atrix 2 is also a bump up from the Atrix's 4-inch screen. While both phones pumped out an impressive 960x540 pixel resolution, or exactly one quarter the full 1080p resolution on an HDTV, the Atrix 2 does not use the enhanced Pentile subpixel technology that (supposedly) makes photos and videos look a bit sharper. In reality, both phone screens look about the same.

Another similarity: both the Atrix and Atrix 2 use the AT&T HSPA+ network in the US for "4G light" connectivity of up to about 21Mbps, which tends to run much lower than that. In our tests, the Atrix 2 connected at only about 6Mbps on average over several days of broadband speedtests.

Both phones offer a front-facing camera, and we'll explore how well that performs in our full Atrix 2 review that includes several Google Talk sessions between two Android phones.

Motorola atrix 2 review

There are a boatload of accessories for this phone - almost too many to count. There's a dock you can use to charge the device and connect it to an HDTV or LCD screen. There are car mounts to use the device as your primary GPS.

And there are countless battery chargers, extra cables, and even a full laptop dock with a keyboard and screen, now newly re-designed for the Atrix 2.

Motorola atrix 2 review

Suffice it to say, the Atris 2 is not a major upgrade from the original. In fact, there is one downgrade. The original Atrix provided a security feature where you place your finger on the screen to unlock the phone that's been removed for the launch of the Atrix 2.

The most critical finding we had, though, is that the Atrix 2 does not really fulfill the promise of the Atrix when Motorola announced the device at CES in the beginning of this year. Namely, that it would be a webtop device you can use with a laptop dock or with any HDTV or LCD.

We really wanted that to work out - a smartphone that's powerful enough to be your mobile device and store all of your data, providing a webtop experience for office and home computing? Sign us up.

Motorola atrix 2 review

But the reality is that the Atrix 2 is still not fast enough for that to work. The webtop still runs too slow for anything but basic web browsing or checking your email and scanning though photos. There's a strange pause when you move the mouse or type on a keyboard that's a hold-over form the Atrix - we'd have expected Motorola to sort this out for the new release.

Atrix 2 camera

About the new 8MP camera: it's astoundingly good. We complain frequently about the poor imaging quality of tablet cameras, but the Atrix 2 camera is better than what you'll find in many pocket digital cameras.

You can shoot widescreen photos in 6MP or normal-ratio 8MP shots. With the camcorder setting, you can shoot full 1080p videos. Check out the samples for how crisp and smooth these look.

YouTube :

Atrix 2 camera

Atrix 2 camera

Atrix 2 camera

The Atrix 2 is one of the best Android phones around, but is it the best? We still want to run some speed tests and compare the photos and videos with several other models, including the Samsung S2, which you'll see in the full Motorola Atrix 2 review.

There is a rumbling on the horizon, and it is the sound of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, a 1.2GHz phone that will come with a near-field communication chip for easier purchases at retail. That phone will ship with the newly improved Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich release with a smart looking UI.

What's really missing from the Atrix 2, though, at least for US buyers is LTE. This faster 4G standard runs at a real-world speed of about 12Mbps - it takes minutes to download a full Hollywood movie on the fly. That's one killer.

The other is the screen. We like the Atrix 2's TFT screen, as it's bright and clear, but the Atrix loses in a side-by-side comparison to the Samsung Epic 4G Touch and S2 with their AMOLED screens. Those detriments put the Atrix 2 a few paces behind the leading Android models.

Yet, the Atrix 2 is a price leader. It costs just $99 with a two-year contract. The webtop connection, 8MP camera, and optional accessories make it one of the top Android phones around - although we can't help but think users will be swayed by the much more aesthetically-pleasing Motorola Razr.


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Linggo, Oktubre 30, 2011

By: mkultra

I was constantly dropping phones, so I got a rubber case for my Blackberry from Speck. They make a similar product for the iPhone. I can vouch for its resilience.

HOWEVER, there are two serious caveats:

- Bulk and aesthetics. You've got a big, knobby piece of rubber on your lovely iPhone.

- It's rubber, so it can be sometimes frustrating to dig out of your pocket without turning the whole thing inside-out. And forget putting it into any slim-fitting clothes.

In the end, I ditched the case and forced myself to be more diligent. I now have no case and can't remember the last time I dropped it (*knock on wood*).


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Talison Lithium Reports Record Sales and Production Results for Third Quarter Production

On behalf of Talison and Todd Hilditch, Investor Relations Director: Good morning,   Please find contained in the attachment the press release from Talison Lithium Ltd. (TSX:TLH) announcing preliminary production and sales results for the three and nine months ended March 31, 2011 from its Greenbushes lithium operations in Western Australia.   Highlights Include:   [...]


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By: brent_h

btw, after writing that about the incase cover, I got to work and checked my rss feeds and low and behold, incase is offering warranty coverage for this issue, sweet!


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RIM faces lawsuit over BlackBerry outage

RIM faces lawsuit over BlackBerry outage

Research in Motion has been hit with a lawsuit following the BlackBerry outage, which left millions of customers without internet service, earlier this month.

The class action suit has been filed on RIM's home turf in Canada by the Consumer Law Group in Quebec, which claims it is acting on behalf of customers affected by the problems.

A statement from the group said the writ was made "on behalf of individuals who have BlackBerry smartphones and who pay for a monthly data plan but were unable to access their email, BlackBerry Messenger service ("BBM"), and/or Internet for the period of October 11 to 14, 2011.

"The class action involves RIM's failure to take action to either directly compensate BlackBerry users or to indirectly compensate BlackBerry users by arranging for wireless service providers to refunds their customers and to take full responsibility for these damages."

Torrid times

RIM said it would be making a statement on the matter in due course, but had yet to receive a copy of the lawsuit.

The class action suit caps a torrid few weeks for the ailing smartphone giant.

Earlier on Tuesday its stock price dipped following news that a much-needed BlackBerry PlayBook software update had been delayed until February.

The company had previously attempted to return to its customers good graces by offering �63 in free premium app as an apology to those affected.


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Jeb has released to the public the link to Minecraft Beta 1.9 Prerelease v1, links are as follows: Client: http://assets.minecr…e/minecraft.jar Server: http://assets.minecr…raft_server.jar Bug Reporting: Here  


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By: mkultra

I was constantly dropping phones, so I got a rubber case for my Blackberry from Speck. They make a similar product for the iPhone. I can vouch for its resilience.

HOWEVER, there are two serious caveats:

- Bulk and aesthetics. You've got a big, knobby piece of rubber on your lovely iPhone.

- It's rubber, so it can be sometimes frustrating to dig out of your pocket without turning the whole thing inside-out. And forget putting it into any slim-fitting clothes.

In the end, I ditched the case and forced myself to be more diligent. I now have no case and can't remember the last time I dropped it (*knock on wood*).


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Sabado, Oktubre 29, 2011

RIM unveils pricey Porsche-designed BlackBerry P'9981

RIM unveils pricey Porsche-designed BlackBerry P'9981

RIM has launched the Porsche Design P'9981 smartphone from BlackBerry, a BlackBerry smartphone that has, unsurprisingly, been designed by Porsche.

It's not the first time that the middle-class car-manufacturer beloved by the upwardly mobile has turned its hand to mobile phone design, but it is the first time its futuristic style and sharp racing angles have made their way to a BlackBerry.

The handset comes running BlackBerry OS 7 featuring an exclusive Porsche Design UI and bespoke augmented reality app. Given that designers and car manufacturers really know what they're talking about when it comes to smartphone UIs, we're sure this will be marvellous.

BlackBerry Boxster

The P'9981 features a full physical QWERTY keyboard with traditional RIM sculpting as well as a touchscreen, much like the BlackBerry Bold Touch 9900.

Apparently the "exclusive material choices" include a stainless steel frame (remind us to introduce Porsche Design to our kitchen sinks some time) and a hand-wrapped leather back cover (see above, re. shoes).

As if that wasn't horrendously pretentious enough, the smartphones also come with premium PINs, so you can identify other P'9981 owners and avoid mixing with the commoners on BBM.

Under the hood (see what we've done there?) you'll find a 1.2GHz processor and 8GB of on-board memory with a microSD slot for extra space.

BlackBerry 911

As a company, Porsche Design reckons it "stands for products that combine functional, timeless and puristic design with impressive technical innovations" so quite why it's suddenly decided to partner with RIM, we couldn't tell you.

"The Porsche Design P'9981 is a truly modern luxury smartphone where the timeless style of Porsche Design meets the unmatched mobile experience provided by BlackBerry," said Todd Wood, SVP of industrial design at RIM.

That unmatched experience can be yours for the not insignificant sum of approximately �1250. Or you can buy an iPhone and a robot. Your choice.


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Motorola Atrix 2 set for UK bow?

Motorola Atrix 2 set for UK bow?

Motorola is set to launch a mysterious new product next week, with TechRadar being invited down to check it out.

Motorola predictably wouldn't give anything away over what the launch, set for 3 November, was for, but we're anticipating that it will likely be the UK launch of the Motorola Atrix 2.

Given we've already seen the Motorola Razr in Berlin earlier this month, and the Atrix 2 was launched to US fanfare but saw zero mention in the UK, it makes sense the company's flagship phone of 2011 should get a British reboot.

Enough of an update?

As we found in our hands on: Motorola Atrix 2 review, the screen size has been increased to 4.3-inch, the fingerprint scanner has (sadly) gone and the camera has been upgraded too.

It's hard to say it's the greatest sequel in the world - the Motorola Atrix launched to a middling reception in the UK, as the much-vaunted WebTop accessories, allowing the phone to become a laptop or a big-screen multimedia hub, failed to attract sales.

Or of course, it could be something completely different we're about to see next week - Motorola Xoom 2 anyone? Stay tuned to TechRadar where all will be revealed in the next few days.


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T-Mobile to offer Nokia Lumia 800 in UK

T-Mobile to offer Nokia Lumia 800 in UK

T-Mobile has confirmed that it will be offering up the eagerly anticipated Nokia Lumia 800 when it arrives on 16 November.

Many networks and stores confirmed that they would be stocking the Nokia Lumia 800 when the phone was announced, but T-Mobile has taken its time to leap aboard the bandwagon.

You can check out our hands on: Nokia Lumia 800 video below:

brightcove : 1241720705001

As TechRadar's hands on: Nokia Lumia 800 review suggests, the Windows Phone 7 Mango toting handset is a massive deal for both Microsoft and the Finnish handset giant, and the early indications are positive.

Specs appeal

The phone features a 3.7 inch OLED touchscreen with a 800x480 resolution, a 1.4GHz single-core processor and a distinctive design.

The handset will be offered for no additional cost on two year contracts from �30 a month and up.

Pippa Dunn, Chief Marketing Officer, T-Mobile UK, said: "The Lumia 800 is a stunning looking phone and will be a great addition to our handset offering in the run up to Christmas.

"When matched with one of our flexible price plans, it is the perfect choice for those wanting the latest feature packed smartphone at an affordable price point."


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Sony coy over Windows Phone and webOS

Sony coy over Windows Phone and webOS

Sony has refused to rule itself out of a move to alternative smartphone operating systems.

Speaking at the press conference to announce that it is buying Ericsson's share of the Sony Ericsson smartphone venture, CEO Sir Howard Stringer refused to be drawn on whether the company is looking at an alternative smartphone OS.

When quizzed about the possibility of joining the Windows Phone ecosystem, like many other of Sony Ericsson's rivals already have and the company itself has previously hinted at, Stringer refused to shut the door on such an opportunity but stated that the company was happy with its relationship with Google:

"We never say never to anything; we have to be adaptable in this industry, but obviously we're great Google customers."

Alternative options

When asked about acquiring the webOS platform, Stringer was more direct, stating that although he wouldn't rule it out, it's 'not something we're thinking about'.

It seems highly likely Sony will stay a loyal customer of Google's Android OS for the foreseeable future, as it's this platform that has helped the company finally return to profitability in the last year.

Sony is hoping that the smartphone acquisition will position it as a major player in the connected space, with interoperability between its tablets, TVs, consoles and now smartphones.

The deal should be completed by early 2012, meaning Sony-branded smartphones could start popping up at Mobile World Congress in February.


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By: justkevin

A friend of mine dropped her iPhone from about 3' onto the sidewalk and the glass shattered, rendering the phone unusable.

I'm certain the iPhone can withstand decent falls, but it may be a matter of luck-- if it hits at the wrong angle, it definitely can go kablooey.

On to your question:

First, how did you pay for your iPhone? Lots of credit cards offer purchase protection in case of theft, accidental destruction, etc. You may not need any more protection than you already have.

As for extended warranties/protection plans, these are almost never a good investment. If you like the peace of mind they bring, understand that you're paying for peace of mind, not protecting an investment.

Consider the SquareTrade offer you cited. If you bought a $600 iphone, you're paying $110 for 3 years of protection. With the $50 deductible you'll "save" $550 if your iphone meets the same fate as my friend's tomorrow. If your iphone dies in 18 months, you may be able to replace it for less than would have spent on SquareTrade's protection plan.

For this to make financial sense, you need to have a very high probability of destroying your iphone. How many portable electronics do you typically break in a year?


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Nintendo to bring 3DS eShop to PCs and mobiles

Nintendo to bring 3DS eShop to PCs and mobiles

Nintendo has explained its plans to allow people to browse the Nintendo 3DS' eShop via PCs and smartphones - although it will use a clumsy QR codes system at first.

Apps giants like Apple and Google Android have shown that people are keen to browse on devices other than the device they are buying for, and Nintendo is keen to open out its eShop to other devices.

Nintendo's Satoru Iwata explained that the process was underway to allow access to the eShop, although actual purchasing will not be possible.

Finder's fee

"Even if a software title receives an incredible review [through eShop's user review feature], the majority of people will not know about it unless they access the Nintendo eShop with their Nintendo 3DS system," explained Iwata.

"We would like to solve this issue by making the Nintendo eShop accessible via PCs and smartphones as well.

"At the beginning, you will not be able to directly purchase software from your PC or smartphone. Instead, you will need to take a photo of a QR code at the Nintendo eShop by using the camera of your Nintendo 3DS."

"The Nintendo 3DS will then open that specific page of the Nintendo eShop. That function is already included in the upcoming system update for the Nintendo 3DS.

"In the future, we will make it so that you will be able to purchase software by using your PC or smartphone."

The QR solution is clearly not ideal, so this may well be a feature that only matures when payments can be made from other devices, but it's another step for Nintendo as it looks to make the 3DS a must-have handheld.


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Biyernes, Oktubre 28, 2011

Tangerine by Dry Riser

Tangerine by Dry Riser from their forthcoming Album. Dry Riser have evolved into a band whose music is generating generous comparisons with some great names in British music history. Whilst quick to play down such high acclaim, there is no doubting the quality of the song writing which is at its roots. This and the


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Bio Ethanol Fireplace ? How is bio ethanol that?s employed in most ethanol fireplaces?

If you’re trying to consider an alternative solution to a better fireplace in your house, after that here’s how you can save you through a lot of trouble.  Bio ethanol fireplaces are among the best options you could place within your house.  It’s just effective and it works well with any space.  A fireplace is [...]


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Windows Phone Apollo set for mid-2012 launch

Windows Phone Apollo set for mid-2012 launch

The Windows Phone Apollo upgrade, the next version of Microsoft's mobile operating system, will arrive by the middle of next year, according to a Nokia executive.

Speaking to Engadget at the Nokia World Expo in London, Michael Halbherr, Executive VP for Location and Commerce, said the new software will be a "very different game" to the recent Mango offering.

The blog took this as a hint that the awesomely-named Apollo upgrade will actually be a smartphone iteration of Windows 8, which promises to unify Microsoft's multi-platform offerings.

What's new?

Very little is currently known about what Apollo will offer Windows Phone users, although Halbherr also said he's been pushing Microsoft to include NFC technology.

He also wants a "positioning framework" and better integration of Nokia's Navteq maps for new location-based services.

The Nokia and Microsoft partnership finally bared its first fruit on Wednesday with the announcement of the attractive Lumia 800 and the mid-range Lumia 710.


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By: melorama

The iphone is remarkably durable, considering how elegant it feels in your hand. But as others have commented, it really depends where an iphone is dropped that determines whether or not you end up with a $600 brick.

In my case, the *one* time I took my iPhone out of the Incase case I bought for it (which as bkeene correctly described, is a piece of crap, but definitely protects it against droppage), it accidentally slipped out of my hand and landed on its back glass side up. A few minutes later, I noticed my WiFi signal get gradually weaker, and in about 5 minutes, the phone was completely bricked--no wifi signal, no EDGE and the phone actually popped up an error message saying, in essence, that my phone is in fact, bricked and could no longer make calls. This from a modest fall of around 12 inches above a ceramic tiled floor.

Thankfully there was no visible damage to the unit, so I took it into my local Genius Bar, played dumb (often referring to my self-hacked WRT54 wireless router as "my wireless thingy"), and recieved a new replacement unit a few days later.

It absolutely freaks me out to think what would happen if the glass broke or something. After the first year of ownership, Applecare is worth buying for laptops and ipods, but it really sucks that they don't protect you against accidental damage, considering how much they charge you for Applecare. So I'm on the "iPhone insurance is worth it" side of the fence.

USAA, my renter's insurance provider, covers accidental loss or damage to personal property, and specifically computer gear. YMMV with your provider.


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Hands on: Nokia Lumia 800 review

Hands on: Nokia Lumia 800 review

Hands on: Nokia Lumia 700 review - hardware

Nokia has unveiled its badly-kept secret at Nokia World 2011, with the Lumia 800 finally getting an official outing.

We were big fans of the Nokia N9 when it was shown off a few months ago, but after it was sadly canned for UK shores we thought we'd never see the design again.

But it turns out the N9 was shunted to make way for the Lumia 800, which is basically the same handset, but rebooted to run Windows Phone 7.5.

Nokia lumia 800 review

brightcove : 1241720705001

First impressions of the phone are mixed. If you're used to handling the current crop of super slim handsets doing the rounds in today's phone shops, you can't help but feel the Lumia 800 is a little on the chunky side.

Nokia lumia 800 review

However, that's not to say it isn't an attractive device, with its large 3.7-inch OLED screen pushed to the sides of the chassis, and a cool curved polycarbonate shell gives the phone a very premium feel indeed.


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By: TeatimeGrommit

PCWorld claims that the iPhone is quite durable and probably doesn't need this kind of warranty. I bought the "Incase" (a rubber cover they sell at the Apple store) for my iphone to give it a little extra drop protection.


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100 years of East London style in 100 seconds

A little�late on posting this one. But it’s still worthy news. This showrt film video�was a 100 year countdown to the grand opening of Westfield Stratford City�which took place on�September 13th 2011, and celebrates a century of East London fashion, dance and music. Directed by Jake Lunt with The Viral Factory, the film was shot


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Huwebes, Oktubre 27, 2011

Hands on: Nokia Lumia 710 review

Hands on: Nokia Lumia 710 review

Nokia Lumia 710 Hardware

Update: read our Hands on: Nokia Lumia 800 review.

The baby of the Nokia Windows Phone range, the Nokia Lumia 710 promises a cheap and cheerful handset with a top end experience.

It's got looks that seem aimed at a younger demographic ? so can Nokia tear the teenage masses away from BBM and iPhone lust and over to the Windows Phone way?

brightcove : 1243018669001

The handset certainly doesn't feel bad in the hand ? it's made from a smooth plastic which looks good in the white matt finish, although it's also available in a shinier black finish that seemed to attract fingerprints and smears like nobody's business.

It's not overly heavy and although it won't win any accolades for being the slimmest handset on the market, the Nokia Lumia 710 is easily small enough to sit anonymously in a pocket or small bag.

Nokia lumia 700 review

If you spend a lot of time trying out the highest end smartphones, the Nokia 710's screen is going to seem a little pokey. But at 3.7-inches, it's more than adequate for most users and not bad quality, although on occasion images did seem a little jaggedy.

The screen is a ClearBlack display, which means it should be able to handle direct sunlight with no glare and you'll still be able to see what's going on. Sadly, there are no skylights in Nokia World so we can't vouch for that just yet.

We're not massive fans of the physical buttons under the touchscreen; they poke out and feel a little uncomfortable under the finger, and the long slim almost business-like buttons don't really sit brilliantly with the less formal design of the handset overall.

Nokia lumia 700 review

Also notable on the front of the handset is the proximity sensor, not to be mistaken for a front-mounted camera; none of the Nokia Windows Phones have these at present.

Other buttons to play with are the volume slider on the side of the handset, just along from the camera shutter button.

Nokia lumia 700 review

And on top, there's the standby button next to a 3.5mm headphone jack.

Nokia lumia 700 review

The back plays host to the Nokia 710's 5MP camera with single LED flash, as well as a speaker grille.

Nokia lumia 700 review

Playing to Nokia's long tradition of interchangeable phone fascias, the Nokia Lumia 710 offers five interchangeable multi-coloured back panels; we like the turquoisey blue with the white body but hey, you can make your own design decisions here.

Nokia lumia 700 review

Hands on Nokia Lumia 710 review: interface

The Nokia Lumia 710 runs Windows Phone 7.5 ? no surprise there ? so you can look forward to that tiled home page, the extensive people hub and threaded messaging, among other Microsoft-made delights. You might want to check out our Windows Phone 7.5 Mango review for our full thoughts on the software.

The handset, although erring on the mid-range side of things, handled the software nicely; swiping between screens and running multiple apps didn't seem to give the handset any trouble ? no doubt thanks to the lovely 1.4GHz single-core Qualcomm processor keeping things ticking along nicely.

Nokia lumia 700 review

It's no surprise, given the relatively low price point, but still a shame that the Nokia 710 only comes with 8GB of storage ? space that will be quickly taken up with bits and pieces, unless you make full use of the streamed content available.

Things like photos can be uploaded to Facebook and other social networks at the click of a menu-based option, so there's no need necessarily to store them on your handset, and you can make use of Nokia Music to save room on songs ? more on that below.

As premium partner, Nokia has made a couple of sneaky additions to the Windows Phone 7.5 apps, however. As well as the now-standard line up, you'll get Nokia Drive and Nokia Music on the Finnish Windows Phones.

Nokia lumia 700 review

Nokia Drive is a fully featured sat nav featuring turn-by-turn navigation, as Nokia reps were very keen to point out. Even in the depths of the Nokia World convention centre, it picked up our location pretty quickly and the 3D maps loaded in an adequately short time.

It's not exactly a beautiful interface, unfortunately; a lot of greys and formal Nokia-style text in play here, but it's functional and quick which, when you're lost in the vales of East London, is what counts.

Nokia Music, meanwhile, offers a little more than Microsoft's Zune Player. You can stream music on the handset via a radio mix or built playlists. You can also create offline playlists for when you're flying or going underground and signal will be limited.

Nokia lumia 700 review

It looks the part, taking its design cues from Microsoft's own apps; unfortunately with limited hands on time in a noisy trade show, we weren't able to test out the quality of the service. More on that in our full Nokia Lumia 710 review, so stay tuned.

Nokia lumia 700 review

The camera is one of the few major differences between the Nokia Lumia 710 and its better specced sibling, the Nokia Lumia 800. With a 5MP sensor and a lesser flash, it's not going to win Nokia any awards, but we found it quick and simple to use, with the touch-to-focus function working well and the physical shutter button a welcome addition.

Nokia lumia 700 review

The resulting pictures were fairly bright even without the flash, and our brief video recording session didn't give us anything to complain about. Nokia's spec sheet claims 720p HD video ? we're sure it's not lying.

As for internet, over a Wi-Fi network with very heavy traffic, it still managed to load TechRadar in an acceptable time; we may have been tutting after a three or four second delay, but we can't tell how much the connection is to blame for that.

Nokia lumia 700 review

You can't really read much on with the website in full-screen mode, but pinch to zoom rendered quickly and smoothly, so that's no great shakes.

Nokia lumia 700 review

Early verdict

It's always hard to form an opinion on Windows Phone hardware, because Microsoft's specifications mean they're all incredibly similar.

But this isn't a bad mid-range attempt from Nokia, the company has clearly called on its strengths in that arena and come out with a handset we wouldn't be ashamed to call our own.

But whether it can handle more intense multi-tasking and if the battery life and connections can live up to the hefty streaming Nokia seems to be pushing its users towards, we don't know.

We'll be putting the Nokia Lumia 710 through its paces in our full review soon, but until then you can colour us cautiously optimistic.


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Gary Marshall: What's Nokia got to shout about?

Gary Marshall: What's Nokia got to shout about?

Technology firms' keynote speeches tend to be boring affairs. The important news leaks days or weeks before, so you're left with a big room full of people mumbling "yes, yes, navigation, seen it before" as the CEO bumbles on for hours about each new feature.

Not Nokia.

Faced with a familiar problem - everybody knowing exactly what they were going to unveil - Nokia decided it was time to shake things up a bit. First, Stephen Elop kept pronouncing the company's name in a funny Canadian accent - "know-key-ahh" - and then, they let a madman loose on stage.

"Our ambition is to surprise you at every turn," said Kevin Shields, a man whose job title - senior vice president of program and product management for the smart device - is longer than many people's lives.

And then he started shouting.

"It looks AWESOME!" he bellowed, channelling his inner Ballmer and scaring the hell out of the first six rows. "It feels GREAT in your hand!" he added, frightening everybody again. "It SCREAMS premium!" he screamed.

YouTube :

We need to talk about Kevin

Whatever Shields was on, it didn't last long. Like an angry man in the pub who's just offered to fight everybody outside, his mood suddenly crashed and Kevin became a shadow of his former, screaming self. "You've got to give me some applause for this," he begged, his eyes moist.

The crowd clapped politely, afraid that if they didn't, Shields might eat them.

No, the keynote wasn't boring.

Pity the phones were.

I really like Windows Phone, and I really like Nokia hardware. Given that it's essentially an N9 running Mango, I'm sure that the Nokia Lumia 800 is going to be a perfectly good smartphone. The prices look OK too. But there are plenty of perfectly good Windows Phone smartphones with OK prices out there already.

Nokia and Microsoft have been working on this stuff for months. What were they doing?

It's great that the two firms are going to spend oodles of cash on promoting the devices, and by extension Windows Phone generally. But where's the magic? Where's the "lust" that marketing VP Steven Overman promised to inspire?

Where's the excitement that's going to make us see our iPhones and Androids for the overpriced toys they truly are, causing us to shove them on eBay and run, not walk, to the nearest Carphone Warehouse, two forms of ID including a utility bill in our trembling hands?

There was plenty of shouting, but was the Lumia 800 really worth shouting about?


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Updated: Samsung Galaxy Note UK release date revealed

Updated: Samsung Galaxy Note UK release date revealed

The Samsung Galaxy Note was one of the stand-out devices launched at IFA 2011, even if we are not quite sure of what purpose it has in life. Is a tablet, is it a smartphone? Can we call it a phone-let or a tabphone?

Whatever it is, there's a lot of interest in the Galaxy Note so it is great that the handset will be out in the UK in the next few weeks.

brightcove : 1138414830001

You got the Clove

Online retailer Clove has posted new details about the Galaxy Note UK release date and price.

According to the site, the Note will be out 1 November and is set to cost �495 plus VAT.

UPDATE: Samsung has confirmed the Samsung Galaxy Note UK release date will be 2 November, and will be available initially from the likes of The Carphone Warehouse and Phones4U.

For this you get a 5.3-inch HD Super AMOLED Display, Smart Pen stylus, 1.4GHz dual-core processor, 16GB internal storage, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and a microSD card slot which can handle cards up to 32GB.

November is a busy month for normal-sized smartphones. As well as the Note launching ? which is a phone for a giant, or a tablet for the vertically challenged ? the Galaxy Nexus and Motorola Razr.


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Irrespective of which part of the world you live in, you are surely looking for ways to save some cash on things you love shopping for.  Even in a financially difficult time, do not stop yourself from making bigger purchases like loft beds as you make good savings from your shopping!   It is possible [...]


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Ancestry Family Tree Maker 2012 Deluxe, Platinum and World

Avanquest Software Publishing has announced the release of Family Tree Maker 2012 Deluxe, Platinum and World editions to help unlock rich family history as never before. Perfect for the amateur through to the more experienced genealogist, Family Tree Maker 2012 has exciting new features including a mobile app and syncing capabilities to help users


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Miyerkules, Oktubre 26, 2011

Is bad driving hereditary?

Apparently it is, according to some recent research just published by AXA. Drivers aged 18-30 are three times more likely to have points on their licence or a ban if their parents have points or a ban. It seems that the habits we observe while we are passengers with our parents shape the style of


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Minecraft Beta 1.9 Prerelease v1 Download

Jeb has released to the public the link to Minecraft Beta 1.9 Prerelease v1, links are as follows: Client: http://assets.minecr…e/minecraft.jar Server: http://assets.minecr…raft_server.jar Bug Reporting: Here  


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Apple?s ?Celebration of Steve?s Life? Event Video Posted

Apple held a commemorative event on October 19 celebrating the life of co-founder Steve Jobs. CEO Tim Cook led the proceedings on Apple’s campus in Cupertino, California. Friends, family, and employees shared stories of Steve’s principles, leadership, and enthusiasm; reminiscing in their feelings about the visionary. Coldplay, one of Steve’s


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Is Apple Working on Sprint?s Data Speed Problem?

Complaints about slow data speeds via the Sprint network have been piling up ever since the iPhone 4S launched on October 14. Sprint publicly denied the problem a few days later, but a recently leaked internal email revealed that Sprint and Apple are now acknowledging the issue. According to Next


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Minecraft Beta 1.8 Adventure Update Released

Im sure you Minecraft Addicts know by now, but the Minecraft Beta 1.8 Adventure Update was released for download�this morning not long ago. If you play on my server YAMS (Yet Another Minecarft Server) please remember to read the latest info here: I will update the server to 1.8 as soon as bukkit is


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Sample photos reveal Nokia Lumia 800 camera details

Sample photos reveal Nokia Lumia 800 camera details

The Nokia 800 may launch as the Nokia Lumia 800 when it is revealed at Nokia World this week.

It seems to be the device name behind some sample photos posted to (and then deleted from) Flickr this week, whose EXIF data has unveiled a few other nuggets of camera-based info.

Aside from citing the device as the Nokia Lumia 800, the data also reveals a camera has an aperture rating of f2.2 and its software is listed as Windows Phone 7.5 (well, duh).


It sounds suspiciously similar to the camera on board the Nokia N9, which would surprise us not one jot given that the Nokia 800's body is set to be the same as the MeeGo handset.

Does that mean we'll also see the same Carl Zeiss Tessar 28mm optics on board? We'd say so.

Not long to go until we find out for sure though, with the Nokia 800 set to be revealed at Nokia World this coming Wednesday ? join us then for live updates and hands on reviews of all the new Nokia Windows Phone handsets.

Until then, get your eyeholes around the Nokia 800 teaser advert that aired on ITV this weekend:

YouTube :


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Martes, Oktubre 25, 2011

By: electroboy

No! No insurance! No extended warranties! Unless you're the clumsiest person on the face of the earth, it's an awful, awful deal.


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Is Apple Working on Sprint?s Data Speed Problem?

Complaints about slow data speeds via the Sprint network have been piling up ever since the iPhone 4S launched on October 14. Sprint publicly denied the problem a few days later, but a recently leaked internal email revealed that Sprint and Apple are now acknowledging the issue. According to Next


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Lloyds and Halifax pull out of the #petinsurance market

Lloyds has been in the pet insurance market since 2000 and Halifax since 2002 and both companies are now withdrawing to concentrate their attention on their core markets. This news could leave as many as 50,000 pet owners without a policy and facing difficulties getting cover for pre-existing conditions. According to recent research, the number


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By: Gideon

In a heartbeat, I would get it.

I've already lost one iPhone to a fall. Square didn't offer accidental protection for the first month or so, and since I got mine day 1 I couldn't get coverage. Which sucks.

But, I was happy to find out Apple only charged me 200 or so for a replacement on the 4gb model.


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Buy to Let Market is 15 Years Old #buytolet

It seems like a long time ago but it’s only been 15 years since ARLA (Association of Residential Letting Agents) joined forces with the CML (Council of Mortgage Lenders) to launch the buy to let sector of the UK housing market. In those fifteen years, the buy to let sector has caused some massive changes


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Brokers? new responsibility for Employers? Liability data

Like every other broker in the country we were recently contacted by the newly formed ELTO (Employers’ Liability Tracing Office) with details of our new responsibilities under the FSA’s new regulations. Essentially, the new regulations are designed to make it easier for claimants to trace their employer’s liability data. They make it compulsory for insurers


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Lunes, Oktubre 24, 2011

Plan to raise speed limit divides opinion

Unsurprisingly most motorists (59%) think the new 80mph motorwat speed limit would be a good idea, showing that the scheme would certainly benefit from public support if it was introduced. 14% of us would go even further than that and would like to see a speed limit in excess of 80mph (or no speed limit


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The true cost of owning a pet

It’s around �17,000 apparently. That’s based on an average dog life of 13 years. It’s slightly more for a cat as they tend to live a little longer at around �17,200. However, if Fido should manage to make it all the way to the ripe old age of 20 the fees can reach a staggering


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Pictures Taken from My iPhone 4S ? Outstanding, to Say the Least

Now I’m not saying that my photography is outstanding, but rather that the iPhone 4S’ photo quality is. Take a look at the following photos that I captured using the iPhone’s rear camera, which will definitely make you consider purchasing a 4S if you previously decided not to. Launching yesterday


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Is bad driving hereditary?

Apparently it is, according to some recent research just published by AXA. Drivers aged 18-30 are three times more likely to have points on their licence or a ban if their parents have points or a ban. It seems that the habits we observe while we are passengers with our parents shape the style of


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Linggo, Oktubre 23, 2011

Is bad driving hereditary?

Apparently it is, according to some recent research just published by AXA. Drivers aged 18-30 are three times more likely to have points on their licence or a ban if their parents have points or a ban. It seems that the habits we observe while we are passengers with our parents shape the style of


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Ancestry Family Tree Maker 2012 Deluxe, Platinum and World

Avanquest Software Publishing has announced the release of Family Tree Maker 2012 Deluxe, Platinum and World editions to help unlock rich family history as never before. Perfect for the amateur through to the more experienced genealogist, Family Tree Maker 2012 has exciting new features including a mobile app and syncing capabilities to help users


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