Sabado, Nobyembre 30, 2013

3 Exceptions to the "Ladies First" Rule

Opening the door to a lady and letting her go first is a well-known gallantry rule but did you know there are some exceptions to it? In some cases, the man is actually supposed to go first! Here are 3 of these cases.

Even though it...

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iPhone Was Almost Called Something Else

What if the iPhone was named something completely different? What if Apple opted to call its handheld device something a bit more catchy, like Mobi, Telepod — or even iPad? It may appear strange at first, but former advertising creative director Ken Segall told a marketing class at the University


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The Week in iOS Apps: spreads its wings spreads its wings

This week's roundup of new and updated iOS apps features some of those "other" social media services.

This free iPhone app is helping its eponymous service branch out beyond its original role as an alternative social network. The word ?RSS? isn?t used to describe the latest update, but you can now subscribe to, well, stuff on the Internet in a way that?s reminiscent of feed readers?only better, since you can program push notifications for specific topics that concern you.

Awesome Note for iPad

Macworld, way back in 2009, said that the original iPhone version of Awesome Note ?overdoes things a bit.? That sounds like a mission statement for Awesome Note for iPad, which now touts itsself as an ?all-in-one life organizer,? having added calendar options and the ability to sync with Evernote and Google Drive. The latest update gives the app that iOS 7 sheen, and now offers unified management of your reminders and calendar, bringing them together in a single screen so you can control your schedule and tasks efficiently.


The $1 Boxer email client for Gmail and Exchange is now available as an iPad app; the newest update also features integration with Evernote and Sanebox organizing services. It also integrates with Dropbox, Facebook, and LinkedIn?and it?s also versatile, working with Gmail, Exchange, Yahoo, and other IMAP email services.

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iPhone Was Almost Called Something Else

What if the iPhone was named something completely different? What if Apple opted to call its handheld device something a bit more catchy, like Mobi, Telepod — or even iPad? It may appear strange at first, but former advertising creative director Ken Segall told a marketing class at the University


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Samsung Galaxy Gear 2: lighter and launching with S5?

Samsung Galaxy Gear 2: lighter and launching with S5?

The Galaxy Gear smartwatch has hardly got out the blocks but we've already heard a fair bit about its successor, the Samsung Galaxy Gear 2.

Korean site ET News has reportedly spoken to an unnamed Samsung official about future devices and as well as spilling the beans on the much rumoured Galaxy S5 they apparently also mentioned the Galaxy Gear 2.

If the official is on the money then the Gear 2 may rock up "about 15% to 20% thinner than previous production", which would certainly make it a more palatable device for your wrist.

Galaxy S5 with Gear 2?

The Samsung spokesperson is also quoted as saying that you'll be able to use the Galaxy Gear 2 with the Galaxy S5 smartphone, which could mean the smartwatch rocks up alongside the Korean firm's next flagship handset.

We could potentially see a bundle deal where you get the S5 and Gear 2 as a package, much in the same way the Galaxy Note 3 and original Gear have been sold.

It appears that the Galaxy Gear 2 will be far more integrated with the Galaxy S5 too, with the source revealing that you'll be able to use the smartwatch for games, entertainment and health care functions - although it's not clear what features this includes.

This could see Samsung attempt to span both the smartwatch and popular fitness band demographics, offering one device which covers both areas.

In terms of a Samsung Galaxy Gear 2 release date the official didn't offer anything, but the links to the Galaxy S5 means both could launch at the same time - possibly in March/April 2014 - or perhaps the watch will follow a little later with a raft of other peripherals and accessories.


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Be it a technical course or a creative one, you should think once before choosing a appropriate degree course, diploma course, online degree program, technical program etc.


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Samsung Galaxy S5 to arrive in metal and plastic forms by April?

Samsung Galaxy S5 to arrive in metal and plastic forms by April?

We all know that the Samsung Galaxy S5 is coming, but speculation to when is varied. The January launch we reported on before is wrong, at least according to the news coming out of Korea today.

Citing 'industry sources', ET News reports that January will instead play host to the beginning of the Galaxy S5's production, rather than its launch.

A total of 800,000 to 1 million devices are expected to be produced in the first month, reaching 6 million by the end of February.

This puts the release date around March or April, which is still a month or two earlier than the launch of previous Galaxy S models - the Galaxy S4 launched in May 2013.

Metal or plastic or both?

Apparently Samsung is at least toying with the idea of releasing two versions of the Galaxy S5; a premium metal framed version with flexible 5-inch OLED display and a more standard plastic cased 5-inch AMOLED model.

In what direction the display is set to bend, we have yet to find out. Will it curve like the Samsung Galaxy Round, or will it be more akin to the LG G Flex. We'd pin our money, and our hopes, on the latter.

We are left a little bemused by the need for 2 models, we'd suggest that the two different models will cater to different markets, similar to the quad/octa-core models of the S4.

The idea of getting both models in western territories is a little dubious (unless we are to see an iPhone 5C scenario) as we know Samsung likes to release 'Mini' versions of its handsets such as the Galaxy S4 Mini.

One specsy handset

The Korean site also provides information on more specifications, including another mention for that 64-bit processor and 3GB of RAM.

A 4000mAh battery will apparently sit inside the Android 4.4 KitKat toting handset, meaning the Galaxy S5 battery would be 53% larger than the current Galaxy S4, and 25% larger than the Note 3.

We've already heard that the Galaxy S5 may ship with Samsung's newest 16MP ISOCELL camera, which is quoted again in this report.

Interestingly, the Korean firm is only targeting 70% of sales in comparison to the Galaxy S4. This could down to the earlier release, meaning that those on 24 month Galaxy S3 contracts will still be tied down.

We should also advise a word of caution, as 'industry sources' have a habit of being hit and miss. We won't know anything for certain until Samsung make the Galaxy S5 official in March, April, or January.

Take your pick Samsung.


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Biyernes, Nobyembre 29, 2013

By: Orb2069

While you're figuring out the cost-to-benefit ratio, remember that Apple dropped the price to $400, so - if you paid $600 for it, you just got a $200 price break on replacing it.


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Podcast: Is Apple still an innovator?

There?s been a lot of talk about Apple and innovation in the tech press lately, and probably not in a way that Apple would prefer. Elsewhere on Macworld, my colleague Christopher Breen wrote a thoughtufl piece on innovation and iteration?so thoughtful, in fact, that I thought we?d discuss it further on the latest Macworld Podcast.

Chris and senior editor Dan Moren join me to talk about what it means to innovate, when Apple?s met that standard, and areas that are ripe for a little of Cupertino?s innovative magic going forwared.

Show notes

While discussing Chris?s article, we mention another piece by one of our Macworld contributors; Lex Friedman recently wrote about his wavering trust in Apple. (That article didn?t please our in-house media critic The Macalope, who was not shy about taking Lex to task.)

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The Week in iOS Apps: spreads its wings spreads its wings

This week's roundup of new and updated iOS apps features some of those "other" social media services.

This free iPhone app is helping its eponymous service branch out beyond its original role as an alternative social network. The word ?RSS? isn?t used to describe the latest update, but you can now subscribe to, well, stuff on the Internet in a way that?s reminiscent of feed readers?only better, since you can program push notifications for specific topics that concern you.

Awesome Note for iPad

Macworld, way back in 2009, said that the original iPhone version of Awesome Note ?overdoes things a bit.? That sounds like a mission statement for Awesome Note for iPad, which now touts itsself as an ?all-in-one life organizer,? having added calendar options and the ability to sync with Evernote and Google Drive. The latest update gives the app that iOS 7 sheen, and now offers unified management of your reminders and calendar, bringing them together in a single screen so you can control your schedule and tasks efficiently.


The $1 Boxer email client for Gmail and Exchange is now available as an iPad app; the newest update also features integration with Evernote and Sanebox organizing services. It also integrates with Dropbox, Facebook, and LinkedIn?and it?s also versatile, working with Gmail, Exchange, Yahoo, and other IMAP email services.

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Beat the freeze and prepare your home for winter #HomeInsurance

Britain is getting colder. It?s a fact. More snowfall has been predicted for counties from Scotland to southern England and it?s causing problems both indoors and out. Nobody wants to have to endure the bitter cold nor do they want to deal with its effects ? frozen roads and pavements, disrupted traffic, and frozen pipes.


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What do cash for crash and seagulls have in common? Insurance fraud.

“Cash for crash” fraud is a major problem on the UK’s roads and it’s a subject that has gathered a lot of attention recently from the police and the press. Until recently there have been no serious incidents involving harm to a person or persons and that is why now is a better time than


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The Macalope: Thanks so very much

[The scene is the kitchen of Tux?s house, where the platform mascots have all gathered for Thanksgiving dinner. The Macalope and the Winotaur enter, quickly pouring themselves drinks.]

MACALOPE: There is only one way we are going to make it through this dinner.

WINOTAUR: Did you see Symbian? He has not aged well.

MACALOPE: And then there?s Andy wearing a tank top!

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The Week in iOS Apps: spreads its wings spreads its wings

This week's roundup of new and updated iOS apps features some of those "other" social media services.

This free iPhone app is helping its eponymous service branch out beyond its original role as an alternative social network. The word ?RSS? isn?t used to describe the latest update, but you can now subscribe to, well, stuff on the Internet in a way that?s reminiscent of feed readers?only better, since you can program push notifications for specific topics that concern you.

Awesome Note for iPad

Macworld, way back in 2009, said that the original iPhone version of Awesome Note ?overdoes things a bit.? That sounds like a mission statement for Awesome Note for iPad, which now touts itsself as an ?all-in-one life organizer,? having added calendar options and the ability to sync with Evernote and Google Drive. The latest update gives the app that iOS 7 sheen, and now offers unified management of your reminders and calendar, bringing them together in a single screen so you can control your schedule and tasks efficiently.


The $1 Boxer email client for Gmail and Exchange is now available as an iPad app; the newest update also features integration with Evernote and Sanebox organizing services. It also integrates with Dropbox, Facebook, and LinkedIn?and it?s also versatile, working with Gmail, Exchange, Yahoo, and other IMAP email services.

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The new Caddy on show now

Anyone looking for a new van, people carrier or campervan will have a lot of chances to see some of the newest models offered from Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles at shows across the UK over the next few months . The VW Commercial automobiles tour programme includes the following opportunities : 7 August Dumfries Agricultural Show, [...]


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Huwebes, Nobyembre 28, 2013

Apple promises 'the Friday you've waited all year for' in Black Friday teaser

No need to ceaselessly refresh Apple?s online store in your browser between now and Friday to see if the company is joining the rest of the retail world in rolling out post-Thanksgiving discounts. Apple confirmed it?s holding a one-day sale this Friday in a Black Friday teaser on both its website and via an email to customers.

You know, just in case you thought the world?s most valuable brand was going to sit out the holiday shopping season.

The sale?billed by Apple as ?the Friday you?ve waited all year for??kicks off online after midnight Pacific time. Apple?s brick-and-mortar stores will also be offering deals on Friday.

Apple?s Black Friday teaser doesn?t offer much in the way of details about discounts. But hey?free shipping!

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By: brent_h

btw, after writing that about the incase cover, I got to work and checked my rss feeds and low and behold, incase is offering warranty coverage for this issue, sweet!


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London 2012 Paralympic Games Athletics Morning Day 4

Finally got round to uploading these, cant believe I’ve left it so long. Here are my photos of the Morning Athletics on Day�4�of the�London 2012 Paralympic Games.


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LG bellows battle cry as it promises smartphones are going nowhere

LG bellows battle cry as it promises smartphones are going nowhere

Rumours that LG is planning on moving away from the smartphone business are completely unfounded, according to the South Korean firm.

Korea's ET news had reported that the company was moving resources away from the mobile arm of its business, towards the smart television market, as that's where it saw a greater chance for profit.

Understandably (given its recent slew of impressive devices), LG has refuted the claims, with the story having since been removed from the site due a lack of supporting evidence.

In a statement to Mobile World Live, LG said "We are more committed than ever to making the LG brand a major player in the mobile space and we think our products this year speak for themselves."

Up, not out

It would certainly be a surprising move from LG, given its strong mobile presence in the forms of the LG G2, Nexus 5, the older Nexus 4 and possibly the upcoming Nexus 10 tablet.

This has helped it sell 3.05 trillion Korean won (�1.69bn/$2.7bn/AU$2.85bn) worth of mobile devices, a whopping 24% increase from the previous year.

LG phones might be remembered for the likes of the LG Chocolate, but LG will look to the success of the LG G2 and the upcoming G Flex to push the brand even further.

There might even be an octa-core processor for the LG G3. We'll have to wait and see...


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Keep snooping relatives out of your stuff

A reader who wishes to remain anonymous (you?ll see why shortly) is concerned about his curious kin. He writes:

Over the upcoming holidays, members of my extended family will be sharing my Mac to check their email and surf the web. I have some files that I?d like to keep hidden from them. I?m particularly concerned that some of these files will appear in Spotlight. Is there any way to hide them?

I can recommend a few options.

The first is to force them to use your Mac?s Guest account. To ensure that it?s an option when your Mac starts up, launch System Preferences, select Users & Groups, click the Lock icon and enter your username and password to unlock the preferences, select Guest User, and enable the Allow guests to log in to this computer option. Additionally, click on Login Options and be sure that Automatic Login is off. If you then log out of your account, the login screen will display at least two accounts?yours and the Guest User account. To use your Mac your relations will choose that Guest User account and then do their business via Safari and webmail services.

If, for reasons best known to you, you want to let them use your account you can keep these files on another volume. If you don?t have a lot of sensitive files you could copy them to a USB flash drive, delete them from your Mac?s hard drive, and then tuck away that flash drive until the in-laws leave. At that point, copy them back on to your Mac.

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Credit Repair Letters in a Nutshell

We all know that if you need to repair your credit, you need to send out credit repair letters, right? What a lot of folks don’t understand is what credit dispute letters actually arelook like, what theydo, and most importantly, how can you produce your own credit repair letters for free? Let me teach you about [...]


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Fax to email what why

There?s a relatively new technology available for professional as well as personal used called ?Fax to Email?, also named ?Online Fax?.


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Miyerkules, Nobyembre 27, 2013

London 21st of July 2012

Doing a mass uploading of photos to Flickr, this album here contains photos I took in London over a year ago on the 21st of July 2012.


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Winter weather doesn?t have to be frightful ? take precautions and be safe.

The winter weather has brought its fair share of trouble for most parts of the UK in the past few days. Rain, lots of snow and plenty of ice have caused travel disruptions, delays and a few unfortunate incidents among motorists. On Friday the Met Office declared its highest extreme weather warning (red) for the


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Get the best translation services from experts

If you are looking for translation services that are provided to the clients with really professional approach, there are lot many in the race dealing in expert translation services.


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Recession proof pets

New research from consumer campaigning charity Which? Shows that people are more likely to claim on pet insurance than on their car, home or travel cover. According to the research Which? looked at the reasons behind people?s claims in the last two years and found that four in ten pet insurance owners (39%) have made


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iPad stylus buying guide: Find the perfect tablet accessory

While the folks at Apple designed your iPad and iPhone to be used with the touch of a finger, the company?s touchscreen devices beg to be used in other ways. Some people have taken up painting and drawing; others have made it their primary note-taking source. There are those few who revel in using their fingers for these activities, but let?s be honest: for the rest of us, a stylus is going to be a lot easier.

We?ve spent months looking at styluses in all form, shape, and size, and here are our top 2013 picks for a great writing, sketching, drawing, or painting stylus.

What you need to know about styluses

If you?ve never used an iPad stylus before, here are a few things to look out for when picking one up this holiday season.

bluetooth logo

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Keep snooping relatives out of your stuff

A reader who wishes to remain anonymous (you?ll see why shortly) is concerned about his curious kin. He writes:

Over the upcoming holidays, members of my extended family will be sharing my Mac to check their email and surf the web. I have some files that I?d like to keep hidden from them. I?m particularly concerned that some of these files will appear in Spotlight. Is there any way to hide them?

I can recommend a few options.

The first is to force them to use your Mac?s Guest account. To ensure that it?s an option when your Mac starts up, launch System Preferences, select Users & Groups, click the Lock icon and enter your username and password to unlock the preferences, select Guest User, and enable the Allow guests to log in to this computer option. Additionally, click on Login Options and be sure that Automatic Login is off. If you then log out of your account, the login screen will display at least two accounts?yours and the Guest User account. To use your Mac your relations will choose that Guest User account and then do their business via Safari and webmail services.

If, for reasons best known to you, you want to let them use your account you can keep these files on another volume. If you don?t have a lot of sensitive files you could copy them to a USB flash drive, delete them from your Mac?s hard drive, and then tuck away that flash drive until the in-laws leave. At that point, copy them back on to your Mac.

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Looking for best web hosting services a7host is the answer

Get the best web hosting services and domain name registration services from the hands of experts and establish your online business in easy and cheapest way.


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The Macalope Weekly: Friends and enemies

?Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and stay away from crazy pundits,? is what the Macalope?s mother always told him. Why didn?t he listen? WHY?! Instead, here we are on another weekend, dissecting lazy arguments, backwards arguments, and ? arguments made by friends?

Look back at the Apple Store in anger

Seeking Alpha has never been a collection of the sharpest bulbs in the drawer. Indeed, after all these years, they?re still only seeking alpha. They haven?t found it yet. The clarity and refinement of the arguments made by Russ Fischer seem to indicate why.

?Apple Is Its Own Worst Enemy? (tip o? the antlers to Srini Addepalli).

Aren?t we all, Russ? Aren?t we all?

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Martes, Nobyembre 26, 2013

Fax to email what why

There?s a relatively new technology available for professional as well as personal used called ?Fax to Email?, also named ?Online Fax?.


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How to keep your mobile devices safe this holiday season

Many thousands of smartphones and tablets will be lost this year. These tips, tricks, and apps will help your gadgets make it safely into the new year.


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By: electroboy

No! No insurance! No extended warranties! Unless you're the clumsiest person on the face of the earth, it's an awful, awful deal.


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Is LG planning an even more flexible G Flex 2?

Is LG planning an even more flexible G Flex 2?

LG's not resting on anybody's laurels with word that it is speccing out the LG G Flex 2 and wants to give the handset a screen that can bend almost 90 degrees.

That's tiptoeing into foldable territory, with the handset supposedly set for a hard rubber body to accommodate the bend.

ZDNet Korea reckons that LG is already planning mass production for the G Flex 2 which suggests that we'll see the handset launch at some point in 2014.

Fold it now... hit it

Samsung is also looking at the folding phone market and seeing dollar signs, with a foldable prototype doing the rounds as well as this crazy 3-sided phone patent on its books.

LG's not letting anything official slip about the G Flex 2, however, so all we have to go on for now are these supply-chain rumours. We recommend them only as part of a high-sodium diet.


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Motorola locks down 3D printing partner in quest to build modular smartphones

Motorola locks down 3D printing partner in quest to build modular smartphones

Motorola's Project Ara dream to create a completely modular phone out of interchangeable modules is speeding towards becoming a reality.

The Google-owned phone company has announced it's partnering with 3D Systems, a manufacturer of 3D printers, to help turn its Ara concept into real-life handsets.

For a quick refresher, Project Ara aims to develop highly customizable, modular smartphones that users can modify to change its look and even upgrade its parts. Instead of buying a whole new phone, upgraders could just attach more RAM or a new camera onto the phone's mainframe, called an endoskeleton.

It might sound like a far flung idea but Motorola and 3D Systems teamed up with a multi-year development agreement to create a continuous high-speed 3D printing production platform to build modular smartphones.

Beating a similar drum to the customizability of the Moto X, 3D Systems CEO Avi Reichental said in a statement, "Project Ara was conceived to build a platform that empowers consumers all over the world with customization for a product made by and for the individual."

For real?

If 3D Systems is successful in building a manufacturing platform for Project Ara, it could start producing smartphone enclosures and modules as "Motorola's exclusive fulfillment partner."

3D printing might be the key to Motorola's plan of producing customizable and low-price smartphones like the Moto G.

Motorola, 3D Systems, Project Ara, Modular Phones, 3D Printing

The system actually working is a major big "if" that's still to be seen. Motorola revealed that there's been a team working on Project Ara for over a year already.

The Moto X maker has invited developers to start building their own modules in an effort to come up with an alpha version of the dev kit planned for a launch this winter.

The major problem of creating a modular phone is it means each phone component needs its own enclosure and a set of contact pins to connect with the endoskeleton. A modular phone might be upgradable for years to come, but all that added bulk could make even small-screened phone as hefty as the HTC One Max.


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By: mkultra

I was constantly dropping phones, so I got a rubber case for my Blackberry from Speck. They make a similar product for the iPhone. I can vouch for its resilience.

HOWEVER, there are two serious caveats:

- Bulk and aesthetics. You've got a big, knobby piece of rubber on your lovely iPhone.

- It's rubber, so it can be sometimes frustrating to dig out of your pocket without turning the whole thing inside-out. And forget putting it into any slim-fitting clothes.

In the end, I ditched the case and forced myself to be more diligent. I now have no case and can't remember the last time I dropped it (*knock on wood*).


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Sony ericsson txt pro

?Sony Ericsson? ? txt pro is one of the phones that enables the users to use multiple applications and enjoy interesting features. You can get it paying $150


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Lunes, Nobyembre 25, 2013

Clap along to Happy, Pharrell Williams? 24-hour long interactive music video

Betcha can?t watch it just once.


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By Crom!- Wistful Reminiscence of Conan the Barbarian


The earliest memory I have of cracking open a comic book is the image of black blood. It may be strange to some of you, but many like myself who grew up in the 80s were quite familiar with this phenomenon as it was the way that comic book publishers like Marvel and DC had to depict the usage of blood and gore imagery during that time as dictated by the CCA...

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Fax to email what why

There?s a relatively new technology available for professional as well as personal used called ?Fax to Email?, also named ?Online Fax?.


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By Crom!- Wistful Reminiscence of Conan the Barbarian


The earliest memory I have of cracking open a comic book is the image of black blood. It may be strange to some of you, but many like myself who grew up in the 80s were quite familiar with this phenomenon as it was the way that comic book publishers like Marvel and DC had to depict the usage of blood and gore imagery during that time as dictated by the CCA...

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The Week in iPhone Cases: Cellular pendant

Cellular pendant

In this week?s iPhone case roundup, you?ll find a way to keep your phone on your neck, a case that combines modern technology with the world?s most ancient construction material, and the usual mishmash of protective coverings.


The Durables Wallet (iPhone 5, 5s, and 5c; $50) combines a waxed-canvas exterior with a colorful, cotton-twill interior and genuine mahogany-leather accents. It features two pockets that you can use to carry some cards or cash.

The sleeve comes in sage, natural, or navy.


The Wood S (iPhone 5 and 5s; $40) combines tradition and technology in a shell made from multiple layers of real wood veneer. That shell is infused with kevlar fiber and protected by a tough, durable finish.

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WD's Black2 SSD/HDD combo drive promises to solve the capacity-versus-speed storage conundrum

When it comes to storage, many of us struggle with the decision whether to buy speed or capacity. An SSD delivers speed aplenty, but you need a mechanical hard drive for capacity. Buy the SSD and rely on the cloud, or opt for the hard disk and just turtle along? Western Digital's Black2 combo SSD/HDD promises to deliver speed and�capacity.

Marrying a 120GB solid-state drive and a 1TB mechanical in a single 2.5-inch, 9.5mm package, the Black2 fits in most laptops. Owners of thin-and-lights, on the other hand, won't benefit because that form factor typically accomodates only thinner, 7mm drives.

WD Black
WD's Black2 drive marries a 120GB SSD to a 1TB HDD that and fits in a 9.5mm bay. It uses a single cable to connect to most SATA 6Gb/s drive controllers.

The Black2's SSD and HDD are treated as separate drives, with the idea that you install the operating system, applications and frequently used data on the SSD and everything else (large files, movies, music, etc.) on the hard drive. Basically, what desktop and two-bay laptop users have been doing with separate drives since the advent of the SSD. It works far better than the hybrid concept (a hard-disk drive with a large NAND cache), which has never delivered on performance promises in PCWorld's real-world tests.

There are a few Black2 caveats: WD highly recommends a fresh OS install; the drive doesn't support Nvidia or ASMedia storage controllers, or the Mac; and it can't be used in RAID arrays due to the software component required to access the hard drive?only the SSD is visible without the driver. Mac users might get a driver down the road, but don't hold your breath on the other controllers; their relatively insignificant share of the mobile market doesn't warrent the effort, The driver isn't shipped in the rather stylish retail box, WD instead provides a USB flash drive that takes you online to download the software.

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The Week in iOS Apps: A thousand ways to organize your life

A thousand ways to organize your life

The advent of iOS has brought a number of ways to help users get organized. This week's roundup includes a few new and updated ways to do so.

Apple Store for iPad

Odd to think that Apple had not, until this moment, created this app for its tablet. Still, Apple Store for iPad has finally arrived, letting users see trending products, pinch and zoom product photos for comparison, and order iOS devices with personalized engravings. Plus, you can make Genius Bar reservations when you want to go to an actual brick-and-mortar Apple Store.


Craftsy has always been a pretty cool app, offering interactive video classes for everything from photography to cake decorating to everything in between. Version 2.0, launched this week, has been completely rebuilt, making it easier to find new classes, and allowing users to watch via AirPlay, in portrait or in landscape.


Here?s a cool offering for world travelers: Hitlist is a free iOS app from TripCommon that lets users input the destinations they?d like to see; the app then tracks itineraries throughout the year and alerts users when the cheapest opportunities for travel are available.

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The Week in iPad Cases: The transporter

The transporter

This week's iPad-case roundup plays host to a couple tough-as-nails cases for taking your tablet on the road. You'll also find some accessories that protect without adding much bulk when you're safe at home.


The F1 (iPad mini; $35) is a premium leather cover with a robust polycarbonate case that protects your tablet from falls, scratches, and other everyday accidents.

The case comes in black with a red interior, and is compatible with the iPad mini?s magnetic sleep/wake function.


The Viper 7 (iPad mini; $40) is designed to keep your iPad mini and all its (small) accessories in one convenient place while traveling.

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Linggo, Nobyembre 24, 2013

What Will Put the ?S? in the iPhone 5S?

The Japanese blog MacOtakara reported that Foxconn has allegedly started production of the highly-anticipated iPhone 5S, the iPhone 5 successor. Although there won’t by any notable design changes, and there is little to no tooling needed to manufacture the two models on the same production lines, it wouldn’t be Apple


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White House Says It?s Time to Legalize Cellphone Unlocking

The White House has issued a response to a petition signed by 114,000+ U.S. cellphone owners asking their government to support the rights of consumers to unlock their cellphones. Turns out, the executive branch supports those mobile phone owners who would like to unlock their devices once they have fulfilled


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Clap along to Happy, Pharrell Williams? 24-hour long interactive music video

Betcha can?t watch it just once.


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Choose the best training program

You need to be sure about your choosing of subjects or courses. Be it a technical course or a creative one, you should consider once before choosing a suitable course for you.


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Top 10 Search Keyphrases for August 2012

It’s been a while since I have posted�any statistic posts, so here’s one. 3339�different keyphrases were used to find my site in�August 2012, here are the top 10 with the amount of times they were used plus their overall usage percentage. As you can see my “Minecraft” posts are still playing a�key part�in driving traffic…


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Back to the drawing board for TextExpander touch

Apple has rejected the latest version of TextExpander's iOS utility. Cupertino didn't like the fact that it relied on Reminders to share snippets with other apps. The developer, Smile Software, says it'll have to substantially revise the utility, then resubmit to the App Store.


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Sony Xperia Z1s release date and price leaks online

Sony Xperia Z1s release date and price leaks online

The Sony Xperia Z1s is currently doing the rounds online and now we may have an idea of its price, along with a possible release date and some more snaps of the shrunken smartphone.

Sony is expected to follow in the footsteps of the Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini and HTC One Mini with the pared down version of its flagship Xperia Z1 handset.

New images popped up on Digi-wo, which has leaked Xperia Z1s information in the past, with one suggesting the phone will cost 3,600 Yuan (around �360). However, the pricing detail has obviously just been pasted on top of the image - there's no way to verify this information.

Same specs, smaller size?

The back of the Xperia Z1 and Xperia Z1s (credit: Digi-wo)

That said, we're still relatively confident that the Xperia Z1s will see the light of day - Sony has let the handset out of the bag on its own website.

Reports surrounding the Sony Xperia Z1s are currently pointing towards the same 2.2GHz quad-core processor, 2GB of RAM, 32GB of storage and huge 20.7MP camera of the Xperia Z1.

We'd be surprised if the pint-sized phone really does sport the same features as its big brother, as various concessions are usually made for the smaller form factor and lower price bracket.

The latest leak also pegs the Xperia Z1s release date for the first quarter of 2014, so hopefully we won't be waiting too long to find out what Sony has to offer.


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Top 10 Search Keyphrases for December 2012

It’s been a while since I have posted�any statistic posts, so here’s one. 3715�different keyphrases were used to find my site in�December 2012, here are the top 10 with the amount of times they were used plus their overall usage percentage. As you can see my “Minecraft” posts are still playing a�key part�in driving traffic…


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Sabado, Nobyembre 23, 2013

Unlocked iPhone 5s now available without SIM in U.S.

World-travelers and those who don?t want to tie themselves to a carrier contract can now purchase a carrier-unlocked iPhone 5s, without a SIM card, through Apple?s online store.

As with previous unlocked iPhones, the unlocked iPhone 5s costs $649 for a 16GB model, $749 for 32GB, and $849 for 64GB. All three colors?space gray, gold, and silver?are available and have the same one- to two-week shipping window. As previously, you can also order an unlocked iPhone with a T-Mobile SIM card, which will ship in three to five business days.

The unlocked iPhone 5c has been available since launch, and ships within 24 hours, with a price of $549 for 16GB and $649 for 32GB.

An unlocked iPhone could be useful if you spend a lot of time overseas. In many places, you can simply pay month-to-month by picking a local SIM card from whatever country you?re in. The rates often end up being much lower than the premium overseas rates charged by U.S. carriers.

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Updated: With additional damages settled, Apple vs Samsung turns back to devices

Updated: With additional damages settled, Apple vs Samsung turns back to devices

Not every chapter in the galactic patent battle between Apple and Samsung is destined to be a page-turner, and such was the case with the recent partial retrial to decide how much extra in damages Sammy owes Cupertino.

The 8-member jury came back with a figure today, saying Samsung must pay Apple $290 million (about �179.4m, AU$314m) in addition to what it already owes, bringing the total figure to more than $900 million (about �556.8m, AU$973.1m).

The amount is close to what Apple sought in the retrial. The company was after damages related to 13 Samsung phones and tablets that another jury determined last year violated patents covering the iPhone and iPad.

As reported by the San Jose Mercury News, the retrial jury broke down damages by device; the Infuse 4G cost Samsung nearly $100 million (about �61.9m, AU$108m), while the Droid Charge racked up $60 million (about �37.1m, AU$65m).

Not bad for 2-year-old phones.

Device times

Samsung, which said additional damages shouldn't be more than $52 million (about �32.1m, AU$56.4m), will appeal this ruling.

But until that process gets off the ground, we have the next segment in the frenemy saga to look forward to.

In March, both will be back in court for yet another argument over patents. Unlike the 2012 trial, 2014's will tackle whether current Samsung products, such as the Galaxy S3, violate Apple's IP.

Additionally, earlier this week Apple scored another chance to ban some Samsung phones and tablets from being sold in the US.

A federal appeals court found that presiding Judge Lucy Koh made some errors in denying Apple's request to ban 26 Samsung products, and has ordered a re-examination of evidence. This leaves the door open for an injunction and could impact devices in the 2014 trial.

Update: Both Apple and Samsung have responded to the verdict.

"For Apple, this case has always been about more than patents and money," the company said in a statement to AllThingsD. "It has been about innovation and the hard work that goes into inventing products that people love. While it's impossible to put a price tag on those values, we are grateful to the jury for showing Samsung that copying has a cost."

For its part, Samsung confirmed it will appeal the decision: "We are disappointed by today's decision, which is based in large part on a patent that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has recently deemed invalid. While we move forward with our post-trial motions and appeals, we will continue to innovate with groundbreaking technologies and great products that are loved by our many customers all around the world."

  • Take a break from all the legal talk and take a bit out of our hands on PS4 review.


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