Biyernes, Abril 12, 2013

The flexible iPhone wriggles closer to reality

The flexible iPhone wriggles closer to reality

A new job posting has shown that Apple is interested in incorporating flexible displays in its future iDevices.

The advert, which has since been pulled by Apple, states that the company is looking for a Senior Optical Engineer to lead an investigation into, among other things, a flexible screen.

The full ad reads: "Apple Inc. is looking for a Display Specialist to lead the investigation on emerging display technologies such as high optical efficiency LCD, AMOLED and flexible display to improve overall display optical performance," according to 9to5Mac, which managed to save the listing before it was pulled.

The job spec goes a little further than that, highlighting a need for someone capable of really analysing how the next-generation screen technologies could be used in apple products. And excellent people skills too ? but then again, that's a given in today's always on life, right?

Bending your will

Apple has been chucking out loads of patents in this flexible phone space for years, but these were mostly dismissed as the Cupertino brand looking to nab valuable IP in the next round of smartphone innovation.

Well, with the news that LG is looking to beat Samsung to the flexible punch in the screen space as well as multiple other companies entering the bendy space, it makes sense that Apple would be ramping up its efforts in this area.

There's plenty of scope as to what the job posting could be related to ? there's the undying iPod range, and of course a smartwatch would be perfect for a flexible display to allow it curve to the angle of the wrist.

But screw THAT ? we want Apple to go all out crazy. Off the top of our head? an iPhone that could be bent into a stylish bandana. And then worn as a shoe. We could call it the iHatShoe. Then people could say 'gesundheit!' every time you mentioned it, and it would be hilarious.

Or not, whatever.


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