Huwebes, Pebrero 16, 2012

Updated: HTC Endeavor: what you need to know

Updated: HTC Endeavor: what you need to know

The HTC Endeavor (or Edge/Supreme as it has also been know) is expected to stride out on stage at MWC 2012 and wave its quad-core powered crown jewels right in our face.

Quad-core is one of the buzz words in the mobile phone industry this year and we expect to see a number of devices packing serious power over the next 11 months.

We first heard rumblings on the HTC Endeavor back in November last year under the moniker of the HTC Edge and rumours have sprouted from there.

The Endeavor is set to be the world's first quad-core phone, although there have been reports the likes of Samsung, LG and Motorola have been sniffing around.

Samsung has since announced that it will not be flaunting the Galaxy S3 at MWC but there are rumblings that LG is prepping its quad-core X3 handset which could go head-to-head with the Endeavor in Barcelona.

To make it easier for you, dear reader, here's a round up of all the gossip rumbling through the rumour mill:

HTC Endeavor name

Well, the phone Endeavor could be called the HTC One X, which seems a bit super futuristic to us - but sources are claiming this is where HTC wants to take its new flgaship model. Who are we to argue?

HTC Endeavor processor

Ok so there are no two ways about it: the HTC Endeavor is all about its quad-core processor.

Reports suggested it will sport Nvidia's Tegra 3 processor which will house four 1.5GHz chips. That's an awful lot of power and thus we expect the Endeavor to be lightning quick.

HTC endeavor

Image credit: Pocket Now

HTC Endeavor specs

Of course no processor alone will deliver you a mind blowing mobile experience, decent specs are required to provide the complete package.

It looks like the quad-core processor will be backed up by 1GB RAM which should have no trouble in running Google's latest Android operating system Ice Cream Sandwich.

A recently leaked ROM for the Endeavour seems to confirm that it will be running Android version 4.0.3 will HTC's latest 4.0 sense interface over the top.

HTC endeavor - sense 4.0 overlay

Image credit: Android Central

The Endeavor is also expected to pack a rear-facing 8MP camera with LED flash, front-facing 1.3MP camera for all important video calls Wi-Fi b/g/n and Bluetooth 4.0.

There have also been suggestions that it will have Dropbox integration, to help you with all your file sharing needs.

HTC Endeavor screen

With such beefy specs we expect the Endeavor to be a media machine and it looks set to pack a 4.7-inch HD screen ? which has been reported in places to be "a next-generation 'optically-laminated' 720p display" - um... we reckon that translates to "super-awesome 720p display".

This coupled with the raw power of the processor should provide excellent video playback and vivid HD gaming.

HTC Endeavor release date

The Endeavor is being touted as HTC's flagship announcement at MWC 2012 in Barcelona at the end of February.

If this is the case you can expect to see the Endeavor on sale in a retailer near you in April or May as key HTC phones have appeared on the market in these months in the past.

Update: HTC has reportedly signed up over 20 carriers for the HTC Endeavor already, including giants Vodafone and Orange.

HTC will be keen to get the Endeavor to market as quickly as possible as quad-core competition from LG, Samsung and co will be hot on its heels.

We hope to get a better idea of an availability date at HTC's press conference at MWC 2012.

HTC Endeavor price

The Endeavor is shaping up to be a big phone and thus it will carry a big price tag. Expect the handset price to easily top �500 ? possibly nearing an eye-watering �600 as it commands the latest quad-core tech on the market.

Contract wise, you'll be looking upwards of �36 per month - but this is purely speculation based on other recent high-end phone releases.

HTC Endeavor competitors

HTC could launch more than one quad-core device at MWC 2012 with the Endeavor leading the way in a new range of mobile phones and tablets packing the latest chip tech.

As mentioned before, Samsung and LG are strongly tipped to be the next up to take the quad-core plunge, but there's a strong chance the iPhone 5 will have the next-gen technology as well as a smorgasbord of tablets.

TechRadar will be in attendance on Sunday evening in Barcelona to find out exactly what HTC has in store.


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